Property Advisory

For more information on property services
please view our dedicated site on the link below.
- Strategic review- master-planning and space planning
- Condition and Compliance Surveys
- Preparation of costed and prioritised works programmes, both capital and planned preventative maintenance works
- Procurement advice
- Energy management and energy conservation advice
- Suitability and sufficiency analysis
- Whole life costing analysis using investment appraisal techniques
- Acquisition and disposal advice
Within the Public Sector we are working with a number of initiatives including Better Homes, School Expansion Programmes and various Local Authority commercial accommodation reviews. Our services are provided at both the strategic level and at a level gathering stock asset data to inform decisions and future outcomes.
Our Experience
We have extensive experience in estate and portfolio management, undertaking assetvaluation surveys and asset rationalisation strategies. We work with our clients on improvement and development projects including:
The assessment and development of property portfolios to optimise the value of their property assets and ensure compliance. Development, planning and introduction of new ways of working.
Provide a wide range of estates services on behalf of public sector clients. Our core capability centres on understanding how properties perform and how they need to be developed to respond to future demands.
Our Approach
We work with our clients to implement effective asset management practices through adopting a long-term approach, optimising their estate in line with service delivery requirements. Key outcomes include:
- Reduced portfolio cost and risk
- Cost neutral portfolio objectives
- Compliant property assets
- Flexible portfolios meeting long term needs
- Income generation
Estate and Asset Managment
We advise on site search and acquisition, compulsory purchase and compensation, disposal, valuation, development appraisal, lease advisory, property management and strategic asset management to create an optimised portfolio and the provision of land and property to meet service and infrastructure requirements.
Estate Rationalisation
The aim of an estate rationalisation strategy is to secure an estate which delivers services as efficiently as possible through a reduction in size and cost of the estate. We help clients understand how they can deliver their services from a smaller estate portfolio to reduce overheads whilst mapping potential capital receipt through disposals. We provide high-level site and options appraisals which develop opportunities enabling clients to consider a range of new working practices when delivering services.
Portfolio Management
Through proactive property management, we maintain and enhance the value of your estate, and aim to reduce cost and risk of holding property assets. Our estate management services are provided to Central and Local Government clients and the transportation and infrastructure industry across the UK. We undertake valuation, negotiation and property transactions on behalf of our clients, enabling them to meet their service requirements through an efficient and effective property portfolio.
Market Sectors
Align and its supply chain of professional service providers work with a wide variety of clients with a diverse portfolio of asset types Hallmarked Consultancy:
- Local Government
- Blue Light Services
- Schools and Academies
- Higher and Further Education
- Central Government
- Utilities
- Transportation
- Leisure
- Commercial
- Retail

For more information on property services
please view our dedicated site on the link below.