PSDS SALIX Funded ASHP Installations
The Challenge
The challenge was to assist with decarbonising North Yorkshire Councils portfolio of buildings.
We were working with North Yorkshire Council to produce feasibility studies for the inclusion of low carbon technologies at three of their sites. The sites were Malton Library, Castle House and Nidderdale Children Resource Centre. The ultimate aim was to decarbonise these sites with the removal of all gas fired plant and the inclusion of increased fabric insulation and new low carbon heating plant to replace the existing provision. The information within the feasibility study was used to apply for the latest PSDS (public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme) SALIX 3a funding. Funding was granted in March 2021 and the design stage commenced.
We design new ASHP plant to replace the existing gas fired plant at all three sites.
The designs included removal of existing gas equipment, new external compound locations, replacement and addition of radiators to operate from ASHP temperatures, new electrical supply upgrades and new domestic hot water provisions. As well as completing the design, Align project managed the schemes including all site meetings, production and management of contract, financial management and all post contract tasks. The projects were handed over in 2022, within SALIX timeframes and within the funding budget.
All three sites now benefit from heating and hot water which is not produced by the burning of fossil fuels. The efficiency (SCOP) of the installed ASHP is approx. 300% (3.0) which demonstrates a significant improvement against the removed gas plant, which was approx. 90%. The sites carbon usage has significantly reduced and following the fabric upgrades the sites have reported a reduction in their energy bills since installation